Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Devil Pup is becoming a Devil Dog

I know I haven't posted in a few weeks. I was a little frustrated with blogger, everytime I tried to post anything with pictures the computer would freeze. grrr.

So anyway two weeks ago my oldest child, you know the one I've been gushing over. Graduation, parties, blah blah blah? Well he's off to Marine Corps bootcamp. I'm so proud yet completely devastated. As moms we would do anything to keep our babies safe and HOME. But I know I must let go and let him become the man he wants to be. Right? right.

So he's been gone 2 weeks and we haven't heard a word. That's the hardest, not knowing how he is doing. Waiting for the first letter to arrive. I've been writing but they take awhile to get to the recruits. He graduates in October and I can't wait to make the trip to see him become a Marine.

This month he celebrates turning 18 so in honor of that...

peanut butter cup cake

ps... yes it took 3 tries before I could upload the photo. grr

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